1929, Gangster warfare in New York
Dandy Dan’s hoodlums terrorise the district, exterminating undesirables with their new weapon – splurge guns. His rival is Fat Sam Stacetto, who runs the Grand Slam Speakeasy, but Fat Sam’s gang still use old-fashioned pies. Fat Sam engages the help of Bugsy Malone, a smooth city slicker who hitherto has been more occupied in sweet-talking Blousey Brown, a would-be girl singer. With Bugsy’s help, Fat Sam escapes from a frame-up but he learns later that Dandy Dan’s mob have splurged nearly all his gang. They’ve also destroyed his sarsaparilla and grocery rackets – the whole empire’s gone”. There’s only one hope left. Fat Sam pays Bugsy 400 dollars in exchange for more help. Bugsy, who has promised to take Blousey to Hollywood, has to break his date with her. Is she mad! Meanwhile Bugsy and Leroy Smith, a guy with an awesome punch, witness a secret delivery of splurge guns at Dock 17. With a bunch of down-and-outs, they help themselves from the crates. Then the police arrive, let by Captain Smolsky and Lieutenant O’Dreary. Bugsy and the gang escape through a trapdoor. Finally Dandy Dan prepares for a showdown at Fat Sam’s speakseasy. When his mob burst in, Bugsy and the guys let ‘em have it – the works. Splurge, custard pies, flour bombs… Out of the gooey pandemonium it emerges that Bugsy and Blousey have made it up. Peace has broken out at last.
The set for Bugsy Malone is now finished is ready for hire.
The pictures are taken in our workshop, show pictures to follow.

Main Set
Our Bugsy Malone set is designed for ease of use by younger cast members. It is split level with a main staircase and four other versatile performance areas.
The total width is 7.8m, total depth is 2.3m and the
total height is 4.1m.
Dandy Dan's Lounge
This is the stage right upper level.
It's overall size is 1.2m x 2.4m
accessed via stairs and has a safety rail
We do not supply and furniture
for this performance area.

Fat Sams Office
This is the stage left upper level. It's overall size is 1.2m x 2.4m accessed via stairs and has a safety rail.
We do not supply and furniture for this performance area.

This is the stage right lower level. It's overall size is 1.2m x 2.4m and can be accessed via the main performance space or the curtained doorway to the rear. This doorway leads to the back of the set to access the rear staircase. This area can be used for the laundry, dressing room and part of the Italian restaurant.

Speak Easy
This is the stage left lower performance area of the set and is the same size as the lower stage right area. It has a hinged bar that can be hidden incase of a police raid, it is also used for the newsroom and can be used as part of the Italian Restaurant.
It can be accessed from the curtained doorway to the rear, this doorway is also used to access the rearstage left stairway.

Book Emporium and Dock 17
This trucked flat is 1.9m x 2.4m high, it is reversible with the Book Emporium on one side and dock 17 on the reverse. It has a working door to allow access through the book Emporium's secret door into the Speak Easy. If this flat is positioned in front of the stage right lower part of the set, cast members can disappear and reappear in the Speak Easy.

Main Staircase
The Main Staircase is positioned in the centre of the set and leads to a performance level which then leads to access to both Fat Sam's and Dandy Dan's rooms. The stairs have built in low voltage LED lights in the treads which are safe to walk on and are waterproof so 100% safe if Splurged. Fat Sam's sign is also fitted with LED lights.

Two cars are provided and are simple and lightweight. They are printed onto a fluted board and are held by cast members.
Rear Staircase's
We have fitted a rear staircase stage left and right to allow easy access to the upper performance areas.

Splurge Guns
Eight forward firing and one backward firing guns are supplied in wooden crates. The guns are designed to use avalanche spray supplied by messy supplies, the cans of spray are 400ml and we recommend you allow one can per gun per performance.
We only hire the guns as part of the full set package.